Tense Chart: 12 Basic Rules With Hindi Examples & Formula

Tense Chart: 12 Basic Rules With Hindi Examples & Formula

Aug 27, 2022

Tense Chart With Rules And Examples 

Tense Chart: 12 Basic Rules With Hindi Examples & Formula, आज फिर से स्वागत है आप सभी उम्मीदवारों का हमारी इस wifistudypdf पर जहाँ सभी स्टूडेंट्स को स्टडी से सम्बंधित सभी प्रकार का मेटेरियल साझा कराया जाता है आज हम आप सभी के लिए Tense Chart; 12 Basic Rules With Hindi Examples & Formula लेकर आए है जिन्हे आप सभी विद्यार्थी बहुत ही आसानी से डाउनलोड कर सकते है

Tense Chart; 12 Basic Rules Hindi And English

जैसा की आप सभी जानते हो English सिखने के लिए Tense को समझना बहुत ही जरुरी है आप सभी के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है आज हम आप सभी के लिए बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण जानकारिया लेकर आए है सभी जानकारिया आप सभी को निचे दी जाएगी

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Tag: English Grammar Free PDF. Most Important English Grammar Notes In Hindi, Latest English Grammar Book in Hindi PDF. Free Download English Grammar PDF, Handwritten English Grammar Hindi Notes,  Tense Chart English Grammar PDF, English Grammar Question Answer, 

यहाँ भी देखे 

Tense Chart; 12 Basic Rules With Hindi Examples & Formula

1. Present  Simple Tense
  • Formula: Sub+V1+Obj
  • Positive: They Play Football.
  • Negative: They Do Not Play Football.
  • Question: Do They Play Football?



  1. I Play-Cricket.
  2. They Publish books.
  3. She Learns From Me.
  4. They Cook Pasta.
  5. She Fights With My Friends.
2. Past Simple Tense
  • Formula: Sub+V2+Obj
  • Positive: Mansi Went To The Village.
  • Negative: Mansi Did Not Go To Village,
  • Question: Did Mansi Go To The Village?


  1. I Played Cricket.
  2. They Published Books.
  3. She Brought a Book.
3. Future Simple Tense
  • Formula: Sub+/will+V1+Obj
  • Positive. Monika Wil Write A Paragraph.
  • Negative: Monika Won’t Write A Paragraph.
  • Question: Will Monika Write A Paragraph?
4. Present Continuous Tense
  • Formula: Sub + Am/Is/Are/+V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive: We Are Playing Cricket.
  • Negative: We Aren’t Playing Cricket
  • Question: Are We Playing Cricket?
5. Past Continuous Tense
  • Formula: Sub + Was/Were+V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive: Boys Were Writing An Application.
  • Negative: Boys Weren’t Writing an Application.
  • Question: Were Boys Writing an Application?
6. Future Continuous Tense
  • Formula: Sub + Will Be+V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive: Manish Will Be Going Home.
  • Harmful: Manish won’t Be Going Home.
  • Question: Will Manish Go Home?
7. Present Perfect Tense
  • formula: Sub + Have/Has+V3+Obj
  • Positive: She Has Written A Book.
  • Negative: She Hasn’t Written A Book.
  • Question: Has She Read A Book?
8. Past Perfect Tense
  • Formula: Sub+Had+V3+Obj
  • Positive: My Family Had Bought A New Car,
  • Negative: My Gamily Hadn’t Bought A New Car.
  • Question: Had They Buy A New Car?
9. Future Perfect Tense
  • Formula: Sub + Will Have+V3+Obj
  • Positive; He Will Have Cooked Food.
  • Negative: He Won’t Have Cooked Food.
  • Question: Will He Sing A Song?
10. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Formula: Sub+Has+Been+V1+Ing+Obj Hone.
  • Positive: Suraj Has Been Going Home.
  • Negative: Suraj Hasn’t Been Going Home.
  • Question: Has Suraj Go Home?
11. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Formula: Sub + Had + Been Reading Novels Since Morning.
  • Positive: He Had Bot Been Reading Novels Since Morning
  • Negative: He had been reading novels since morning 
  • Question: Had He Been Reading Novels Since Morning?
12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
  • Formula: Sub + Will / Have+Been+V1+Ing+Obj
  • Positive: He Will Have Been Driving A Car At 6 Am Tomorrow
  • Negative: He Will does not have to be driving a car at 6 am Tomorrow. 
  • Question: Will He Have Been Driving A Car At 6 Am Tomorrow?

बहुत ही आसानी से चार्ट को समझे 

Tense Formula Example
1. Present Simple0(सामान्य वर्तमान) Sub + Verb (V1) + S/se


Ravi Goes To Zoo By Bus (रवि बस से चिड़ियाघर जाता है)
2. Past Simple (सामान्य भूतकाल) Sub+ Verb (V2) + Obj Ravi went to school by bike (रवि बाइक से स्कूल गया था) 
3. Future Simple (सामान्य भविष्यकाल) Sub + Will/Shal + Verb (V1) + Obj Ravi Will Go To Zoo By Bike (रवि बाइक से चिड़ियाघर जायगा) 
4. Present Continuous Sub + Is/am/are + Verb (+ Ing) + Obj Ravi is going to home by bus (रवि बस से घर जा रहा है) 
5. Past Continuous Sub + was/were + Verb (+ ing) + Obj Ravi was going to  village by bus (रवि बस से गांव जा रहा था )
6. Future Continuous Sub + Will Be/shall Be + Verb(+ing) + Obj Ravi will be going to the village by bus (रवि बस से गांव जा रहा होगा) 
7. Present Perfect Sub + Has/Have + Verb(v3) + Obj Ravi has gone to the village by bus (रवि बस से गांव गया है) 
8. Past Perfect Sub +Had + Verb (v3) + Obj Ravi had gone to the village by bus (रवि बस से गांव गया था) 
9. Future Perfect Sub + Wil Have + Verb (v3) + Obj Ravi will have gone to the village by bus (रवि बस से गांव गया होगा) 
10. Present Perfect Continuous Sub + Has/Have + Been + Verb(+Ing) + Obj Ravi has been going to the village by bus (रवि बस से गांव जा रहा है) 
11. Past Perfect Continuous Sub + Had + Been + Verb(+Ing) + Obj Ravi had been going to the village by bus (रवि बस से गांव जा रहा था) 
12. Future Perfect Continuous Sub + Will Have Been + Verb(+Ing) + Obj Ravi has been going to the village by bus for two years. रवि दो साल से बस से गांव जा रहा होगा 

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