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दोस्तों जैसा की आप सभी जानते है कुछ ही महीनो में आप सभी के (Exam) आने वाले है इसी लिए आज हम आप सभी के लिए {All PDF} Maths NCERT Book In Hindi PDF. NCERT Maths In Hindi Book. NCERT Maths In Hindi Notes. Maths Hindi PDF In Notes. लाए है इस Latest Maths NCERT Hindi PDF जिस में आप सभी को बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण जानकारिया प्राप्त होगी जिसे पढ़कर आप अपने (Exam) की तैयारी बहुत ही आसानी से कर सकते है.
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Maths NCERT Notes In Hindi PDF
NCERT Books For Class 12,11,10,9,8,7,6 in Hindi and English
Maths Quiz Questions Answer
1. 121 Divided by 11 is
(A), 11
(B), 10
(C), 19
(D), 18
Answer: A
2. 60 Times of 8 Equals to
(A), 480
(B), 300
(C), 250
(D), 400
Answer: A
3. Find the Missing Term in Multiples of 6 : 6, 12, 18, 24, _, 36, 42, _ 54, 60.
(A), 32, 45
(B), 30, 48
(C), 24, 40
(D), 25, 49
Answer: B
4. What is the Next Prime Number after 7 ?
(A), 13
(B), 12
(C), 14
(D), 11
Answer: D
5. The Product of 131 × 0 × 300 × 4
(A), 11
(B), 0
(C), 46
(D), 45
Answer: B
6. Solve 3 + 6 × ( 5 + 4) ÷ 3 – 7
(A), 11
(B), 16
(C), 14
(D), 15
Answer: C
7. Solve 23 + 3 ÷ 3
(A), 24
(B), 25
(C), 26
(D), 27
Answer: A
8. What is 6% Equals to
(A), 0.06
(B), 0.6
(C), 0.006
(D), 0.0006
Answer: A
9. How Many Years are there in a Decade?
(A), 5 years
(B), 10 years
(C), 15 years
(D), 20 years
Answer: B
10. How Many Months Make a Century?
(A), 12
(B), 120
(C), 1200
(D), 12000
Answer: C, 1200 months. As a century has a total of 100 years and each year has a total of 12 months, then a century will have a sum of 1200 months in it (100 × 12 = 1200 months).
11. Priya had 16 Red Balls, 2 Green Balls, 9 Blue Balls, and 1 Multicolor Ball. If He Lost 9 Red Balls, 1 Green Ball, and 3 Blue Balls. How Many Balls would be Left?
(A), 15
(B), 11
(C), 28
(D), 39
Answer: A, 15 balls.
12. Add the Decimals 5.23 + 8.79
(A), 14.02
(B), 14.19
(C), 14.11
(D), 14.29
Answer: A
13. How Many Months Have 120 Days?
(A), 2 months
(B), 4 months
(C), 11 months
(D), 12 months
Answer: B, 4 months. As all months of a year have an average of 30 days in them, then four months of a year will include (4 × 30 = 120 days).
14. How Many Sides are there in a Decagon?
(A), 7
(B), 8
(C), 9
(D), 10
Answer: 10
15. What Number Comes Before 9019?
(A), 9099
(B), 9091
(C), 9109
(D), None of these
Answer: D, None of these, All the numbers given are bigger than the number 9019, hence they will all come after this number. So, none of these numbers will come before 9019.
16. What is the product of 121 x 0 x 20 x 2.5 –
(A), 6050
(B), 0
(C), 2,420
(D), None of the above
Answer: B, 0 “Zero”. As anything multiplied by zero will always give the result of zero.
17. Look at this series: 36, 34, 30, 28, …, 22 What number should come to fill in the blank space
(A), 25
(B), 24
(C), 26
(D), None of the above
Answer: B, 0 “Zero”. As anything multiplied by zero will always give the result of zero.
18. 27 is a perfect cube. If true then what is the perfect cube of 27?
(A), 9
(B), 6
(C), 3
(D), 27 is not a perfect cube
Answer: C, 3.
33 = 3 x 3 x 3 = 27
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