List of International Organizations and Their Headquarters PDF: Check Establishment Years

Sep 2, 2023

International Organizations, Headquarters And CEO List PDF

List of International Organizations and Their Headquarters PDF: If you are preparing for any competitive exam then you can expect one or more questions from List of International Organizations and their Headquarters and List of International Organizations and Their Headquarters 2023 Establishment Year Name the full form and choose its headquarters or where it was made. We are giving you complete information about the international list and list of their headquarters and their year of establishment pdf.

Due to this article on International Organizations and their Headquarters and their year of establishment etc., all the candidates can prepare for competitive exams including IAS UPSC. Candidates who are willing to take competitive exams can read the PDFs of International Organizations and their Headquarters for a better understanding. The list is included in this article. Talking about the future, the list of international organizations and their headquarters is also available as a PDF download on the concern of the candidate. International Organizations and their headquarters and years of establishment have become a huge topic in lots of places and years. We have come to make it easier for you by giving you tips about international organizations and their headquarters. Now you will read further a list of international organizations and their headquarters. International Organizations and their Headquarters PDF, download will help you to learn easily about this international organization and Their Headquarters and their Headquarters article will help you to score maximum marks in any competitive exam. You can download this International Organization and its Headquarters PDF which is linked in this International Organization and its Headquarters article for your future.

List of International Organizations and Their Headquarters PDF: Check Establishment Years

There are more than 300 intergovernmental organizations and headquarters all over the world, in which the United States is the largest intergovernmental organization. International organizations and their headquarters are spread all over the world and it occupies a significant place in the world with its scope and presence. From time to time countries’ laws even affect world prices to a large extent. You must have come across many such incidents while reading daily newspapers as they are definitely mentioned in many other news. This International Organization and Headquarters pdf will give you Here is a list of important international organizations and their headquarters, You will clear all your doubts by reading this article further and downloading their PDF for future reference.

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Organization: List of International Organizations and Their Headquarters

An organization is a unit that is a company and an association consisting of one or more people and having a specific purpose. The word is derived from the Greek word organon, meaning instrument or device, musical instrument and organ. Organization refers to a group of people involved in accomplishing defined objectives. It can also be referred to as the second most crucial managerial function, which coordinates the work of employees in pursuit of company goals. Procures resources and connects the two.

While Amnesty International is concerned about global peacekeeping, OPEC maintains stability in global demand and supply of oil. Therefore, these organizations take care of broader issues beyond global borders and local laws. In today’s world scenario, maintaining peace and effective trade relations between countries is a significant priority for most countries. These organizations take care of a wide range of global issues that transcend global borders and local laws.


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List of International Organizations and Their Headquarters: International Organizations

International Organization An organization consisting of one or more member countries is known as an international organization. It is important to note that international organizations are intergovernmental like the United Nations. They are responsible for international cooperation in areas like security, law, economics, social affairs and diplomacy. Designed to promote.

Types Of International Organization:

There are three types of international organizations in the world, in which members of many countries are involved in the implementation of some objectives. Types of International Organizations International Governmental Organizations (IGOS), and Non-International Organizations (INGOS) In recent years, Multi-National Corporations ( MNCs) have also had a significant impact on the international system.

International Governmental Organisations (IGOs):

The term International Governmental Organization (IGO) refers to an entity created by treaty that joins two or more nations to work in good faith on issues of common interest. In the absence of a treaty, the IGO does not exist in the legal sense. IGOs formed by treaties are more beneficial than mere groups of nations because they are subject to international law and have the ability to enter into enforceable agreements among themselves or with states. The main purpose of the IGO was to create a mechanism for the world’s inhabitants to work together more successfully in the areas of peace and security and to deal with economic and social questions. In this present era of increasing globalization and interdependence of nations, IGOs have come to play a very important role in international political systems and global governance.

International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGOs):

International non-governmental organizations (INGOs) are non-profit voluntary organizations operating at an international, transnational, or global level with members or participants from many countries. They bring together like-minded individuals or associations of individuals to conduct a wide variety of activities in almost all social fields, from astronomy to football, plant biology to zoo management. Most INGOs are found in scientific, technological, business and industry, medical and professional domains. A large number of people are also active in sports and entertainment, development, education, women’s rights and many other fields. As of 2006, more than 7,000 “traditional” INGOs were in operation, plus about 20,000 internationally oriented NGOs of more limited scope (Confederation of International Organizations 2006).

Multinational Corporations (MNCs):

A multinational corporation (MNC) has facilities and other assets in at least one country other than its home country. A multinational company usually has offices and/or factories in different countries and a centralized head office where they coordinate global management. Some of these companies, also known as international, stateless or transnational corporate organizations, may have budgets larger than some smaller countries. Multinational corporations participate in business in two or more countries.

Multinational companies can have a positive economic impact on the country where the business is taking place. A multinational corporation, or multinational enterprise, is an international corporation whose business activities span at least two countries. Some authorities consider any company with a foreign branch to be a multinational corporation; Others restrict the definition to only companies that derive at least a quarter of their revenues outside their home country. Many multinational enterprises are located in developed countries. Advocates of multinationals say that they create high-paying jobs and technologically advanced goods in countries that would not otherwise have access to such opportunities or goods.

List of International Organizations and Their Headquarters and Heads PDF

Well this is a huge topic with lots of places and years so we are here to make it easier for you by giving you tips on international organizations and their headquarters You can easily learn by downloading the pdf list of international organizations and their headquarters and you can download the list of heads through the link given below

List of International Organizations and Their Headquarters And Establishment Year

Here we are providing you a list of international organizations and their headquarters and heads through the table given below. This article will prove to be very useful for all the candidates preparing for competitive exams. This is one of the important topics in Static GK. The following is a list of international organizations and headquarters.


International Organizations and Their Headquarters And Establishment Year

Name of the Organization Abbreviations Headquarters Established year Heads
United Nations Development Programme UNDP New York City, USA 1965 Achim Steiner
United Nations Environment Programme UNEP Nairobi, Kenya 1972 Inger Anderson
United Nations Population Fund UNFPA New York City, USA 1969 Natlia Kanem
United Nations Human Settlement Programme UN-Habitat Nairobi, Kenya 1978 Maimunah Mohd sharif
United Nations Children’s Fund UNICEF New York City, USA 1946 Catherine M. Russell
World Food Programme WFP Rome, Italy 1961 David Beasley
Food and Agriculture Organization FAO Rome, Italy 1945 Qu Dongyu
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO Montreal, Canada 1947 Salvatore Sciacchitano
International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD Rome, Italy 1977 Gilbert Houngbo
International Labour Organization ILO Geneva, Switzerland 1919 Guy Ryder
International Monetary Fund IMF Washington Washington, DC, USA 1944 Kristalina Georgieva
International Maritime Organization IMO London, United Kingdom 1948 Kitack Lim
International Telecommunication Union ITU Geneva, Switzerland 1865 Houlin Zhao
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Paris, France 1945 Audery Azoulay
United Nations Industrial Development Organization UNIDO Vienna, Austria 1966 Gerd Muller
World Tourism Organization UNWTO Madrid, Spain 1974 Zurab Pololikashvili
Universal Postal Union UP Bern, Switzerland 1874 Masahiko Metoki
World Health Organization WHO Geneva, Switzerland 1948 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO Geneva, Switzerland 1967 Daren Tang
World Meteorological Organization WMO Geneva, Switzerland 1950 Gerhard Adrian
World Bank Washington, DC, USA 1944 Anshula Kant
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS UNAIDS Geneva, Switzerland 1994 Ms Russell
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR Geneva, Switzerland 1950
United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research UNIDIR Geneva, Switzerland 1980 Robin Geiss
United Nations Institute for Training and Research UNITAR Geneva, Switzerland 1963 Nikhil Seth
United Nations Office for Project Services UNOPS Copenhagen, Denmark 1973 Grete Faremo
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees UNRWA Amman, Jordan 1949 Philippe Lazzarini
United Nations System Staff College UNSSC Turin, Italy 2002 Jafar Javan
United Nations University  UNU Tokyo, Japan 1973 James Cockayne
UN Women New York City, USA 2010 Sima Bahous
International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA Vienna, Austria 1957 Rafael Mariano
International Organization for Migration IOM Geneva, Switzerland 1951 Antonio Vitorino
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW The Hague, Netherlands 1997 Fernando Arias
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNFCCC Bonn, Germany 1994 (Signed in 1993) Patricia Espinosa
World Trade Organization WTO Geneva, Switzerland 1995 Ngozi Okonjo – Iweala
International Trade Centre ITC Geneva, Switzerland 1964 Sanjiv Puri
African Development Bank Group Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire 1964 Akinwumi Adesina
African Union AU Addis Abab, Ethiopia 2002 Moussa Faki Mahamat
Amnesty International AI London, United Kingdom 1961 Salil Shetty ( India)
Andean Community Lima, Peru 1969 Jorge Hernando
Arctic Council Tromso, Norway 1996
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation APEC Queenstown, Singapore 1989 Rebecca Sta Mari
Asian Development Bank ADB Mandaluyong, Philippines 1966 Manila
Association of Caribbean States ACS Port of Spain, Trinidad, Tobago 1994 Judith C. Giordan
Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN Jakarta, Indonesia 1967 Lim Jock Hoi
Bank for International Settlements BIS Basel, Switzerland 1930 Ross Leckow
Black Sea Economic Cooperation BSEC Istanbul, Turkey 1992 Lazer Comanescu
Caribbean Community CARICOM Georgetown, Guyana 1973 Hon Gaston Browne
Central American Bank for Economic Integration Tegucigalpa, Honduras 1960 Dr. Dante Mossi
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COMESA Lusaka, Zambia 1994 Hery Rajaonarimampiania
Commonwealth Secretariat London, United Kingdom 1965 Patricia Scotland
Council of Europe Strasbourg, France 1949 Chales Michel
Council of European Municipalities and Regions CEMR Geneva, Switzerland 1951 Stefano Bonaccini
Council of the Baltic Sea States CBSS Stockholm, Switzerland 1992
Economic Community of West African States ECOWAS Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria 1975 Nana Akufo – Addo
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development EBRD London, United Kingdom 1991 Odile Renaud – Basso
European Central Bank ECB Frankfurt, Germany 1998 Christine Lagarde
European Free Trade Association EFTA Geneva, Switzerland 1960 Henri Getez
Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa AWEPA Amsterdam, Netherlands 1984 —-
European Space Agency ESA Paris, France 1975 Josef Aschbacher
European Union EU Brussels, Belgium 1993 Charles Michel
Group of Eight G8 New York, USA 1975 Jair Bolsonaro
G-15 Summit Geneva, Switzerland 1990 Rajapaksa
Inter-American Development Bank IDB Washington, DC, USA 1959
Intergovernmental Authority on Development IGAD Djibouti, Djibouti 1986 Dr. Workneh Gebeyehu
International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA Vienna, Austria 1957 Rafael Mariano Grossi
International Civil Aviation Organization ICAO Montreal, Canada 1947 Salvatore Sciacchitano
International Chamber of Commerce ICC Paris, France 1919 Ajaypli Singh Banga
International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC Geneva, Switzerland 1863 Peter Maurer
International Court of Justice ICJ The Hague, Netherlands 1945 Joan Donoghue
International Development Association IDA Washington, DC, USA 1960 Kristalina Georgieva
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies IFRC Geneva, Switzerland 1919 Tadateru Konoe
International Finance Corporation IFC Washington, DC, USA 1956 Phillippe Le Houerou
International Labour Organization ILO Geneva, Switzerland 191 Guy Ryder
International Olympic Committee IOC Lausanne, Switzerland 1894 Thomas Bach
International Organization for Standardization ISO Geneva, Switzerland 1947 Ulrika Francke
International Peace Bureau IPB Geneva, Switzerland 1891 Biden
International Seabed Authority ISA Kingston, Jamaica 1994 Francois Hollande
International Service for Human Rights ISHR Geneva, Switzerland 1984 Phil Lynch
Inter-Parliamentary Union Geneva, Switzerland 1889 Saber Hossain Chowdhury
League of Arab States Cairo, Egypt 1945 Ahmed Aboul gheit
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency MIGA Washington, DC, USA 1988 Hiroshi Matano
The Non-Aligned Movement NAM Central Jakarta, Indonesia 1961
Nordic Council of Ministers Copenhagen, Denmark 1971 Paula Lehtomaki
North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO Washington, DC, USA 1949 Jens Stoltenberg
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD Paris, France 1961 Mathias Corman
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe OSCE Vienna, Austria 1975 Zbigniew Rau
Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries OAPEC Kuwait, Middle East 1968
Organization of the Islamic Conference OIC Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 1969 Hissein Brahim Taha
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC Vienna, Austria 1960 Haitham Al-Ghais
Secretariat of the Pacific Community SPC Noumea, New Caledonia 1947 Stuart Minchin
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SAARC Kathmandu, Nepal 1985 Esla Ruwan Weerakoon
Union Latina Paris, France 1954 Oleg Serebrian
United Cities & Local Governments UCLG Barcelona, Spain 2004 Ilsum Metshin
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific ESCAP Bangkok, Thailand 1947 Armida Salsiah
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia ESCWA Beirut, Lebanon 1973 Rola Dashti
United Nations Environmental Program UNEP Nairobi, Kenya 1972 Inger Andersen
United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization FAO Rome, Italy 1945 Qu Dongya
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights UNHCHR Geneva, Switzerland and New York City, USA 1993 Michelle Bachelet
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNODC Vienna, Austria 1997 Ghada Waly
United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women INSTRAW Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 1975
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA Geneva, Switzerland and New York City, USA 1991 Matrin Griffiths
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East UNRWA Amman, Jordan 1949 Philippe Lazzarini
Western European Union WEU Paris, France 1954
World Federation of United Nations Associations WFUNA Geneva, Switzerland and New York City, USA 1946 Leonel Ferandez Reyna
World Organization Against Torture OMCT Geneva, Switzerland 1985 Gerald Staberock
World Wide Fund for Nature WWF Gland, Switzerland 1961 Macro Lambertini

International Organizations, Headquarters And CEO PDF



International Organisations And Their Headquarters Tricks

Remember terms “[ W_O & I_O ]”— GENEVA, SWITZERLAND

If any organization starts with “WORLD / INTERNATIONAL & ends with ORGANIZATION their headquarters are in Geneva, Switzerland.

[ W_O]

  • World Intellectual Property Organization [ WIPO ]
  • World Health Organization [ WHO ]
  • World Meteorological Organization [ WMO ]
  • World Trade Organization [ WTO ]

[I_O] – [ Except IMO]

  • International Labour Organization [ ILO ]
  • International Committee for Red Cross Organization [ ICRCO ]
  • International Standardization Organization [ ISO ]
  • United Nations Conference on Trade And Development [UNCTAD]

Name starts With International and ends with Organization except for IMO with its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland Whereas IMO(International Maritime Organization)

Remember the term I AM COMMON man in

  • I am for the International Maritime Organization [ IMO ]
  • AM for Amnesty International
  • COMMONWEALTH of Nations
  • COMMONWEALTH Telecommunication Organisation

Washington DC

If Any Organisation related to the International Money Monetary Organisation their Headquarters in WASHINGTON DC We have Two International Money Monetary Organisations they are IMF & WB

  • International Monetary Fund [ IMF ]
  • World Bank [ WB ]


If any organization related to Industrial Development like Atomic & Petroleum their headquarter in Vienna, Austria They are

  • United Nations INDUSTRIAL Development Organization [ UNIDO ]
  • International ATOMIC Energy Agency [ IAEA ]
  • Organization of the PETROLEUM Exporting Countries [ OPEC ]


  • UNITED NATION Organization [ UNO ]


If any organization related to Economics & education their headquarters in PARIS

  • Organization for ECONOMIC Co-Operation Development [ OECD ]
  • United Nations EDUCATIONAL, Scientific and Cultural Organization [ UNESCO ]

Single Headquarters Organization

  • Asian Development Bank [ ADB ] – Manila, Philippines
  • Association of South East Nations [ ASEAN ] -Jakarta, Indonesia [ ACE JACK ] – Remember playing cards
  • FOOD Agriculture Organisation [ FAO ] – Rome, ITALY [ FOOD IDLY ]
  • International COURT of JUSTICE -The HAGUE, Netherlands [ Remember COURT given JUSTICE HANGUE ]
  • South Asian Association For Regional Cooperation [ SAARC ] – Kathmandu, Nepal

International Organisations And Their Headquarters: FAQs


Q. What are the different types of international organizations?

International organizations can be of many types, serving different purposes and scopes. Following may be some of the major types of international organizations:

  1. United Nations (UN): The United Nations is a global organization that works on world peace and security, protection of human rights, social and economic development, and other global issues.
  2. World Trade Organization (WTO): WTO is created to ensure world-class decisions related to trade and business and works to promote justice and security in world trade.
  3. World Health Organization (WHO): WHO is a global organization in the field of health that is involved in the management of diseases, promotion of health services, and collection of demographic data.
  4. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization – NATO): NATO is an organization in the field of defence and security that includes many countries and their main objective is to conduct joint defence with each other.
  5. World Bank: The World Bank works to finance development projects and improve the social and economic conditions of developing countries.
  6. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO): WIPO supports global commercial decisions on fundamental rights, such as intellectual property and innovation.

Q. What are 4 examples of international organizations?

International organizations are organizations created to promote cooperation, compromise, and consensus among different countries around the world. These organizations cooperate in various fields, such as politics, economic development, commerce, security, and human rights. The following are examples of some major international organizations:

  1. United Nations – UN: The United Nations was created to promote security, development, and cooperation among all the countries of the world. Its main objectives are to create world peace and security, protect human rights, and stimulate economic and social development.
  2. World Trade Organization (WTO): WTO is designed to promote justice, trust, and general direction in world commerce. It aims to lower trade barriers and promote greater commercial consensus.
  3. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization – NATO): NATO was created to ensure the security and defence in the North Atlantic region. Its main objective is to promote security cooperation and strategic partnership among NATO members.
  4. World Health Organization (WHO): WHO is created to ensure global health and it helps to set standards for health services, raise awareness and solve health problems.

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